Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Shopping, There's no Mall About It

I make no bones about the fact that I really don't like doing my Christmas shopping at the mall. No, I'm not a Scrooge, far from it. I dislike going to the mall at any time, and Christmas time is no different.

Even the idea of it sends shivers down my spine and fills me with a decidedly un-Christmas like dread. It's kind of like going to the dentist for a root canal. You know it'll eventually be over, but the entire process is just too unpleasant.

I've found a way to avoid this annual pilgrimage. And I can honestly say that I don't miss the crowds, the screaming children, the incessant blaring of music from the stores and the mall corridors, the lineups at the cash register, juggling my purse, my coat AND all the shopping.

Since I live in a smaller city, there's also the risk that the retailer doesn't carry the particular product I'm looking for. There's just nothing like spending hours tramping through the mall, from store to store, only to come away empty handed.

Whereas going to your dentist for that root canal may be unavoidable, there are number of ways that anyone can steer clear of Mall Madness At Christmas Time. It's called online shopping, and during the 2007 holiday season, online shopping in the US reached almost $26 billion, yes BILLION dollars.

I started online Christmas shopping about five years ago when a book that I wanted to buy for my daughter was not available at my local bookstore. The clerk suggested that I try their website. Lo and behold, the book I wanted was available for immediate shipping, and so were the CD's I wanted for other family members. Within three days I had everything delivered to my front door and best of all, shipping was free!

And this got me to thinking. Hmmm, no more driving in horrible winter weather, no more cruising the parking lot for that elusive parking spot, no more freezing my butt off in sub zero temperatures. To borrow a phrase, I could let my fingers do the walking! And walk they did.

For this upcoming holiday season, I've purchased everything save a bottle of perfume, online. I have exactly the gifts that I had planned to purchase, for a very reasonable price, some of which were not available locally. If I had wanted to buy them in person, it would have meant a trip to 'the city', and a day of my time. Thanks, but no!

Time has been saved, as has my sanity. I'm not grouchy from having to spend time and money in a place I'd really rather not be. For me, online Christmas shopping is definitely a positive!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com

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